A 67 years old women from Jaipur, Vimla Devi, was bedrid- den for seven years. Her rel- atives consulted various doctors, who treated her for slip disc, but there was no improvement in the condi- tion. Eventually, the fami ly consulted Dr RK Math- ur, Senior Joint Replace- ment Surgeon. Mangalam Joint Care, who after thor- ough examination and in- vestigation, diagnosed bi- lateral osteoarthritis of the hip Joint.
After the surgery, the patient is now undergoing physiotherapy. The doctor claims that once she re- covers from the surgery. she will be able to walk and do her daily activities without any support. He said, "In India. OS- teoarthritis of the hip is less common than that of the knee Joint and in- volvement of both sides is rare. These are difficult cases, however, choosing the right surgery for the right patient gives destred results.